all postcodes in W9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
W9 3AA81051.527974-0.204283
W9 3AB53151.526718-0.204491
W9 3AH50151.527012-0.204927
W9 3AE14051.526153-0.204586
W9 3AJ43051.527963-0.204745
W9 3AL106151.530024-0.204837
W9 3AP112051.531738-0.205808
W9 3AR108151.531832-0.205333
W9 3AS42051.529555-0.204221
W9 3AT75051.530397-0.204548
W9 3AU8051.529826-0.204297
W9 3BA73151.526382-0.203683
W9 3BB78051.527772-0.203426
W9 3BD60151.526505-0.20411
W9 3BE69051.527868-0.203855
W9 3BG9051.529431-0.20375
W9 3BH10051.529575-0.203745
W9 3BJ112151.531896-0.204811
W9 3BL128051.531868-0.204332
W9 3BN148051.53012-0.203507